Sunday, August 26, 2018

ELAR Week: Aug. 27 - Aug. 31

Reading Workshop:
This week in ELAR students will use their own texts they are reading as we learn about some different types of genres. As we look at these genres, we will continue to analyze the author's purpose for writing by reflecting back to places in the book that hold important ideas and/or images; being sure to also use text evidence to support our ideas.

Students worked in their new reading teams last week, and will have the opportunity this week as well to share their findings for the purposes and author wrote.

Writing Workshop:
We have been using the Boxes and Bullets Strategy to brainstorm our ideas as we work toward choosing that one story we want to publish. Students have been thinking of an important person, as well as an important place, and sharing about 3 moments. This week we will continue to write small moments about an important place, while also writing about moments when we experienced a particular emotion.